The process starts by discussing with the client their research needs and review proposed research questions and/or research hypotheses. Gliem and Gliem, LLC can help in developing the instrumentation needed to collect data for answering the research questions and/or testing the research hypothesis. After preliminary meetings, the process continues with instrumentation development, pilot testing, validating email addresses, monitoring the live survey, sending reminder emails to nonrespondents, exporting the data for analysis, and creating graphs and tables to visually present the data.
Services offered by Gliem & Gliem, LLC in the survey administration process are as follows:
- Instrument (questionnaire) development as per the client’s request (sequencing, skip logic, and layout)
- Questionnaire customized with client’s logo and color scheme
- Email and/or postal invitations with client’s approval of the text
- Invitation includes an embedded URL and a unique password for each participant
- Questionnaire pilot testing
- Creation of an email database
- Sending of email reminders and thank you’s to participants
- Daily monitoring of the questionnaire as participants complete it
- A 24/7 help desk is available, if requested
- Reporting of response rates
- Question response limits – helps with survey accuracy
- Data exported to a data file
- Web hosting of questionnaire 24/7 which includes daily backups
- Our software is compatible with Microsoft Office products
- Our software offers a wide variety of question types, response categories, simple and complex grids, open-ended questions, and skip logic which can be added to any questionnaire.
A web-based survey can be created for any topic such as customer satisfaction, job satisfaction, employee satisfaction, demographics, and many other topics depending on the research questions.
Paper/Pencil Surveys
Depending on the audience, a paper/pencil questionnaire may be more appropriate than a web-based survey. We can also administer a dual method survey (web-based/paper-pencil) which may be more appropriate for targeted audiences. As always, standard survey methodology is followed.